Diabetic Shoes near me

Diabetic Shoes near Me: Ensuring Optimal Foot Care with Alcam's Expertise

Navigating the world of diabetic footwear can be overwhelming, especially when…

prosthetic leg

How do you walk on your new prosthetic leg?

At the time you are fitted for your prosthetic leg, it may be difficult to…

cranial remolding helmet

The Importance of Cranial Remolding Helmets: A Guide for New Parents

Ensuring your baby’s optimal physical and mental health is paramount as a…

cranial remolding helmet

Alcam Medical: Leading the Way in Cranial Remolding Helmet Services

Navigating the world of cranial remolding helmets can be daunting for new…

orthotics and prosthetics

What are leg prostheses and how can they transform your life?

The amputation of a leg is one of those processes that, if not well managed,…

Positive Mental Health

The Benefits of Having a Positive Mental Health

Mental health is a very important part of life. It is important to have…

How to Avoid Injuries

The Complete Guide to Fall Prevention and How to Avoid Injuries

What Defines Fall Risk? A Fall Risk Factor is any risk factor that increases…


Babies’ Head Shapes: When to Worry and What to Know

Babies have soft, pliable heads to move through the birth canal. However, many…

3D Printed Prosthetic Limbs allow Patients to regain their Mobility Faster

3D printing technology can streamline the process of fabricating a prosthetic…


How to Walk on Your New Prosthetic Leg

At the time you are fitted for your prosthetic leg, it may be difficult to…