Diabetic Shoes near me

Diabetic Shoes near Me: Ensuring Optimal Foot Care with Alcam's Expertise

Navigating the world of diabetic footwear can be overwhelming, especially when…

prosthetic leg

How do you walk on your new prosthetic leg?

At the time you are fitted for your prosthetic leg, it may be difficult to…

¿Qué son las prótesis de piernas y cómo pueden transformar tu vida?

La amputación de una pierna es uno de esos procesos que, de no ser bien…

orthotics and prosthetics

What are leg prostheses and how can they transform your life?

The amputation of a leg is one of those processes that, if not well managed,…


MateoWhen my son, Mateo, was diagnosed with brachycephaly, I was overwhelmed.…

James Aaron

James AaronWhat started as a small sore on this business owner’s right foot…


AvaFrom our very first appointment at Alcam, we felt genuinely cared for. Our…

Soporte lumbar y de espalda, la clave para aliviar dolores

¿Has sufrido de dolores de espalda? Los dolores de espalda son cada vez más…

Lumbar and back braces, the key to relieving pain

Have you suffered from back pain? Back pain is becoming more frequent for many…

What is the orthopedic helmet and how does it help your baby?

For every family, taking care of their baby is fundamental. With all the joy…